SOCIETY & Joint-Stock (Helen Shaw, Vulture/New York Magazine)
"The magic of company formation is too rare these days because it requires the kind of energetic input and long-horizon rehearsal that many art-makers cannot afford. Yet here we find more than a dozen of the city’s finest actors, each ceding space to the other, each investing every part of themselves. They’re throwing good money (and their own good lives) after something ineffable, and that sort of blue-sky investment does sometimes pay wild and beautiful dividends."
Superstitions with The Pool 2021: "[...] a horror-twinged “Love Actually” (OnStageBlog)
“'Superstitions' grapples with big questions with a witty intrigue that will ultimately leave you breathless: What do we surrender to? What do we succumb to? What shapes are there hiding when we close our eyes? What beliefs leave us buoyed— or suffocated? "
Find out how well you know Oklahoma City with a new immersive urban audio tour (Brandy McDonnell, The Oklahoman)
"[...] it's easy to give it back in the form of this audio tour by reflecting back all these stories and these ideas about what it means to be in Oklahoma City. ... But we're seeing things for the first time, which allows us to walk down a weird alley and say, 'Well, this is cool, what's back here?'"
Once Upon a Time - a way to play with SUPERSTITIONS (Dan O'Neil, Culturebot)
"...a sparklingly intelligent contribution to the 2021 edition of THE POOL [...] Let's talk about it."
The Pool 2021 is "a return to what Off-Off was originally for[...]" (Helen Shaw for Vulture/New York Magazine)
"Elegant and weird [...] If I see one production as crisp and wonderful as Superstitions, my whole week will be good. It’s something I wish for you as well, so cross your fingers, put a nickel in your left shoe — and go."
JUNE 2022: SOCIETY Announces Two World Premieres (Broadway World)
Violeta Picayo directs The Strangers Came Today, a new play by Emily Zemba about a support group for mystical experiences, a profound and profoundly funny exploration of spiritual wellness in the 21st Century.
SPRING 2022: "Of A Mind: Oklahoma City"
Creators: Listen and Breathe (Hugh Farrell and Tyler Keiffer), Kelly Kerwin, Emily Zemba
Original Composition by Kevin McNamara & Movement Direction by Hui Cha Poos
The Pool 2021 (New York Times)
"With the return of live theater, many artists have found themselves wondering how they can change the system they work in to make it more sustainable. Enter Kate Cortesi, Brenda Withers and Emily Zemba, the writers behind the 2021 edition of the Pool, a pop-up theater company for which playwrights self-produce their shows."
OUT OF OFFICE Official Selection of The 2021 Chatanooga Film Festival
Co-created with Emma Wiseman, and supported by the New York State Puppet Festival, this object-puppetry film about the end of the world as we know is like Alien meets Office Space.
Episode 17: Newkirk Avenue
Emily wrote a short audio episode for the The MTA Radio Plays (2021), featuring original composition by the brilliant Avi Amon. Listen here: https://www.rattlestick.org/mta-episode-guide